Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Why you are studying this coursework

The idea for this coursework came from my visit to Iceland with the A level geography students back in April.
Our guide for the trip was a man called Einar, who is an exceptionally passionate environmentalist and a tour guide to earn a bit of money. As usual the tour guide and teachers sat at the front of the coach and Einar was talking to me about his work fighting the construction of a dam in east Iceland. He showed me magazine articles in which he highlighted the hugely negative impact that the dam would have on the birds of Iceland. When I got home, I knew that I would have to organise a new piece of coursework for this year so I started researching the topic in more detail and we have ended up with this.
More information about Iceland can be found at:
The skills that you gain doing this coursework will be very useful for you at All Saints Sixth Form and University (and ultimately at work) as it teaches you to independently research and write an article giving different points of view and justifying an opinion.

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